
Marco Luis Rodriguez Camacho


Computer and Systems Engineering


Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Los Cabos (ITES)

I want to thank you from my heart for being able to have the opportunity to receive this scholarship that will help me and my family a lot.

I want to thank Building Baja's Future for giving me such a worthy opportunity and be part of a great family, and with them I could learn to be a better person, to be able to reinforce my values.

I am very happy to be a BBF's scholar and wear that beautiful red t-shirt that represents us.

I feel very fortunate to receive this support in order to accomplish my studies and I will be grateful for the kindness and joy that you give us while helping all of us at the same time.

Thank you for all the support and understanding that you gave us and for the passion with which you teach us how to be a good person, a committed and a responsible student.